Make that call, get your appointment. Because, Dentistry is not expensive…..neglect is!

Dear friends, this post is unlike other posts I normally write. Important nonetheless. Last few weeks has taught me that nothing is worse than a dental pain irrespective of the nature and reason. Also, it purely depends on the pain threshold of the person….because what might be just sensitivity for few can be sleepless nights for someone. According to the IDA as I was being informed, pain related to swelling, inflammation, fracture tooth, and bleeding come under “severe dental emergencies.”

Now, the problem arises when we think the pain will go on its own. Reasons are far too many. Maybe you’re new to your dental plan or you just haven’t had time for a checkup. Perhaps you’re worried about the cost, or you’re a little scared of the dentist’s chair. Or, a lot scared. Like me. Whatever the reason, I hope this post might put your mind a bit at ease. Sharing information from my recent experiences ( might differ from person to person ).

What you can expect at your dental checkup

Before we dive into what happens at the dentist, let’s address the elephant in the exam room: fear. Many people are scared of going to the dentist. If you have any fears or concerns, you’re not alone and it’s totally okay. Let the dental hygienist (your dentist’s assistant) know right away what it is about the visit that makes you nervous or uncomfortable. They’re sure to have some solutions to help. Dental checkups may vary, but here are a few things you’ll likely experience.

First the dental hygienist may check on your overall health by:

  • Taking your blood pressure. It helps give them a picture of your overall health. After all, our mouth is connected to our body.
  • Discussing the foods and drinks you consume. They want to make sure you’re getting enough vitamins and minerals. They’ll also help you understand which kinds of foods and drinks cause the most damage to your teeth.

Then, your dentist will come in to examine you.

They will:

  • Look over your teeth and gums to make sure everything looks healthy.
  • your dentist may want to take X-rays. To do this, your dental hygienist or dentist will:
  • Take you into the clinic X-Ray room.
  • Place a heavy apron across your body for protection.
  • Insert a small piece of plastic in your mouth. You’ll bite down on it to align your teeth properly. Repeat this several times to thoroughly evaluate your teeth.

Ta-da! Your visit is (most likely) over!

See? Dental visits are usually simple and quick! If your dentist sees any red flags, such as signs of gum disease or tooth decay, they’ll likely share tips on better brushing and flossing habits. In some cases, your dentist may suggest other dental treatment. Your dentist may also provide you with a risk assessment, helping to measure your overall health level from low risk to high risk.

So my dear friends, you need not have to live with dental pain.
If your teeth or gums hurt or bleed when you eat, drink, brush or floss, time won’t heal them. Contact your dentist at the first sign of pain or irritation. Always remember, having healthy teeth is key to a healthier you.

Here are a few tips I was given that might help you maintain good oral hygiene at home during Covid-19.

  • Wash your hands – aim for at least 20 seconds before and after any personal dental care
  • Brush at least twice a day– be sure to get those hard-to-reach spots
  • Floss once a day – this helps remove bacteria and plaque in places your brush can’t reach
  • Eat a well-balanced diet – limit sticky, sugary snacks like cake and cookies
  • Limit frequency of snacking – frequent snacking increases your risk of cavities
  • Limit sugary drinks – soda and fruit juices can harm tooth surfaces
  • Drink plenty of water – drink water with meals and between meals
  • Avoid smoking – smoking limits blood flow to your mouth, making it easier for bacteria to grow

And always remember, visiting the dentist regularly can help ensure that you’re living your best, healthiest life.


Initial Quote : Dr. Nechupadam

Photo Credits : #GoogleImages, #Freepik #ClipartLibrary #365PSD

Dental Consultation Online : &

Dental Appointment :

Happy Smiling!!!!!

Published by Arunimadutta

I am a blogger and this space is an outlet of emotions on paper where i share my moments of joy, pain, confusion, realization, redemption. This is where I share all of the nouns and verbs and occasionally some prepositions that make my world ''go round''. I can’t promise you much, but I can guarantee there will be plenty of introspection, laughter, wine, mistakes, travel photos, recipes, bargain shopping, feminism. adventures, pizza, movie references, fun facts, new workouts, goal setting, favorite beauty products, geeking out, liberal political views, road trips, oxford commas...uninterrrupted!!

10 thoughts on “DENTAL CHECKS

  1. Did a root canal three months ago. The journey to that surgery chair was nerve wrecking. Thia is a great post. Really important issue to press upon!

    Liked by 1 person

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